
Christian Apologetics – “5-Minute Apologetics for Today: 365 Quick Answers to Key Questions” by Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes’ new book on Christian apologetics is entitled “5-Minute Apologetics for Today: 365 Quick Answers to Key Questions.” Having spend the weekend hanging out with him I felt compelled to mention it as it will surely be well worth reading.

Following is a description:

From Amazon.com:

Christians sometimes come across objections about the Bible they don’t know how to answer, and they don’t know where to look or whom they should ask. Believers can also get confused about doctrine, not having the knowledge or background to recognize unbiblical teaching. Bible scholar Ron Rhodes addresses many questions surrounding Christianity on topics such as…

atheistic objections to Christianity

evolution vs. creationism

alleged contradictions or general accusations concerning the Bible

answering the claims of cults about biblical doctrine

relativism vs. absolute truth

ethical issues such as abortion and divorce

This book of short, one-page answers on 365 of the most frequently asked questions can greatly increase readers’ level of discernment in critical areas in just minutes a day. Busy people can boost their understanding of the Bible at their own pace by browsing topics of interest or by reading a topic a day.

Other books by Ron Rhodes:

“Reasoning from the Scriptures with…” series:

“10 Most Important Things…” series:

Miscellaneous books:


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