
Newsweek - Lisa Miller - Our Mutual Joy - Gay Marriage and the Bible

FYI: this post has been moved here.


  1. Hello. Just found your site. I'm an atheist and I consider myself rational. Is there something I should know?

  2. If we let them get away with this, soon people will be using Scripture to "prove" that the Bible is really against slavery. Outrage!

    Oliver: did you bring your majikal atheist pants? You can't do the majikal atheist dance without your majikal atheist pants! And, yes, this site is the internet equivalent of a musical.

  3. A musical? Maybe, but the musicians all seem to playing their instruments upside down and backwards. Until they learn that the need to blow into the mouthpiece and not into the bell, they just won't produce any music worth listening to.

  4. Hey Oliver, welcome to the site. Why don't you just grab yourself another beer, and a cigarette, and spend the day at home doing nothing but drinking and smoking all day long while you cruise websites that come up when you put "gay" into google like the way you found this one. Oh make sure you put a picture of yourself smoking, drinking and sitting around all day long doing nothing as well, that's always impressive.

    Hey while you're here why don't you tell us how rational you are and how cool you think it is that you are an atheist? That would be swell, fucknuts.

  5. If anyone is interested, Tim Bayly made an interesting post re: sodomite marriage and Newsweek.

    Newsweek Hates Homosexuals

  6. "Same-sex intimacy is always and in every case utterly destructive to the glory of God, the dignity of His creation, and the loving union of two persons bearing His Image."

    This say's all that needs to be said on the matter.

  7. Oliver; thanks for stopping by, welcome to the blog.

    Daddy Cool, I’m glad so see you back.
    When people such as Oliver, or anyone, come to AiD they are to be welcomed and free to join the discourse. Please take it down a notch—capiche?


  8. Daddy Cool "Same-sex intimacy is always and in every case utterly destructive to the glory of God, the dignity of His creation, and the loving union of two persons bearing His Image."
    Obviously, these two disagree.

    "This say's all that needs to be said on the matter."
    Hardly. Feel free not to get married to a member of the same sex, but don't deny others that same right.

  9. Modusoperandi;
    Why do we not start here: please present your condemnation of slavery (even defining it in a convenient self-serving un-historically contextual manner).


  10. The law of the land should not depend on what you imagine is "always and in every case utterly destructive to the glory of God, the dignity of His creation". After all, we allow people to worship other gods..
